Recording History

So this is nothing but a recording of each day of my life. How things happen and everything. So buckle up.

Day 10,087

In the serenity of my cozy flat, sirens wailed outside, and the distant vibrations of approaching bombings echoed. Amidst this disconcerting backdrop, I found solace, rolling a joint as the world outside seemed to unravel.

Suddenly, an intense brightness engulfed the room, transforming it into a surreal white expanse. A voice, gentle and comforting, resonated, breaking the eerie silence. "Hey, child," it said, echoing through the house.

Perplexed, I questioned the mysterious presence, "Who is this?"

"It's me, your end," replied the voice, sending a shiver down my spine. The haze of my high intensified the surreal encounter.

Amidst the ethereal encounter, I gathered the courage to ask, "Should I call you the end?"

Laughter erupted from the corner of the room, revealing the formation of a figure within the blinding whiteness. As it took shape, it engaged me in conversation, inquiring about my well-being. Lost in the haze, I felt as though I was witnessing a movie, with only the haunting music playing in the background against the canvas of pure whiteness.


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