To Die in Dust

To die in Dust, where echoes fade away,

Amidst the vast expanse of time’s decay.

Beneath the sun’s relentless, burning blaze,

We walk our paths, amidst life’s intricate maze.

In this ephemeral existence we find,

Our fragile spirits, seeking solace intertwined.

As dust we come, and dust we shall return,

A flicker in the cosmos, a moment to discern.

Amidst the chaos, beauty can be found,

In fleeting moments, where love does resound.

For every heartbeat, a symphony we compose,

To die in Dust, our souls forever disclose.

Through trials endured and battles fiercely fought,

In dreams we wove, with hope and passion sought.

Our stories etched upon the fabric of time,

Whispered through the wind, a rhythm so sublime.

Oh, let us dance, though fragile and so small,

Embracing life’s tapestry, the rise and fall.

For even in our transient mortal plight,

To die in Dust ignites eternal light.

In this grand tapestry of cosmic art,

We find connection in each beating heart.

And when we part, returning to the earth,

May our legacy echo, celebrating our worth.

So let us tread with purpose and with grace,

Leaving footprints of love, in every place.

To die in Dust, may our spirits ascend,

And may our essence live on, until the very end.


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