Molten Deity

The temple stood tall, a structure of stone

A place of worship, a place to atone

But the people who once gathered there

Had come to realize that God wasn't there

They saw the idols, the symbols of faith

And knew that they had been misplaced

For God is not a thing of clay

Not something that can be worshipped this way

So they gathered the idols, the statues of old

And set them ablaze, their faith to be told

The fire roared high, a symbol of change

The old ways burned, new paths to be arranged

The flames licked the sky, the idols melted away

And with them went the old beliefs, day by day

The people watched as the temple burned

And knew that from the ashes, a new faith would be earned

For God is not a thing to be seen

But a force within us, an evergreen

And though the temple may have burned to ash

Their faith in something greater would always last.


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