Author’s Trip

The smell of green grass under the heat of the sun and the gentle breeze that brushed  over it made the world around me seem like a heaven. The lake that was near shone like an emerald, reflecting the sunlight as if it had been sprinkled with diamonds. It glistened like a mountain of precious stones in the summer heat. The small patches of trees were scattered randomly like seeds from some great plant, creating a picturesque scene that couldn't be replicated any other way. I felt so peaceful walking through this abandoned field created by nature's hands. 

I was lost in thoughts and my mind wandered away from me as the silence of the park surrounded me and gave the impression I am not alone. I ran my hands through the pocket to find the other half of the joint i smoked earlier. I found a tree in the middle of the field close to the lake and sat down on one of the branches. As usual, it was empty as the place was abandoned. I pulled out my lighter and tried lighting up,  but the wind  blowing caused the flame to go out before I could light it up. After several minutes of trying again and again I finally got a spark but only enough for a few seconds, but I managed to get the joint lit, but still no flame. The moment it caught I immediately put it to my lips and inhaled the smoke. The smoke seemed to calm my mind somehow and I slowly exhaled as the familiar feeling of numbness took over. A strange sensation came over me, like something has taken control of my body and my mind completely. I felt free and relaxed, like there wasn't anything I needed to worry about. I looked at the sky and the beautiful scenery around me. Everything became clearer than it already was, almost like I was able to see everything clearly for the first time.  The grass was greener and the sky was brighter. Everything just looked so clear and beautiful. There wasn’t anything or anyone that could make the peace of mind vanish. Everything is perfect. I closed my eyes.

The revolution of earth  that was happening inside my head started to change the environment around me. Trees and bushes started to sprout in the area where I had previously sat and flowers appeared in random places along the road that led to the lake. The grass grew faster and bigger as well. Even the air felt warmer, and the temperature kept rising. My vision went dark as I slowly slipped into a state of unconsciousness. As soon as I passed out the forest stopped its movement and everything returned back to what it should be.  The trees all fell over and the ground crumbled. When I woke up again everything was how it was before I passed out, but i am on ground. I stood 

 up and saw everything was gone, all the grass and trees, except for the ones surrounding me, which have remained standing. Everything is back to normal as if nothing ever happened.  Everything just seemed so natural that i can’t believe I actually fell asleep. I walked back home while looking at everything in the distance.  Nothing is the same and yet everything is different at the same time. That experience is unique. I don’t know when I will go back there again, but for now I would take advantage of this rare occurrence. I would never forget this trip and would keep it alive in my memory so it will stay forever.


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