Million Tear Droplets

The heavy rain made noises as it landed on the windows of the house. The smoke from the cigarette  was still hanging in the air, drifting lazily  over the room like a gentle cloud. Near the windows stood an old, beat up sofa,  where a man  sat with his legs spread wide, smoking and staring at the television. 

“Shelly, give me a coffee would you”, he said as a woman walked out of the kitchen. She nodded,then leaned and grabbed two coffee mugs from the table infront of him and then went into the kitchen. 

“you are not eating properly, right?” she asked as she walked past the kitchen door. He shook his head in response, watching the screen intently.

“You know Shelly, the man eats and sleeps well when he knows things are going good” he added after another minute of silence. 

“Enough with the bullshit, Arno”  the woman said as she handed him the coffee before walking back into the kitchen.

Arno sighed and looked down,  then took a long drag on the cigarette. As soon as the smoke left his mouth, it disappeared just as quickly.

He stood up and walked  over to the living room windows carrying the cigarette.  It looked  exactly the same like the portrait of a rainy sky and the clouds that has been hung in the living room. “Hey Shelly, Do you remember how many years have passed since our marriage?” he asked after taking a  drag on the cigarette. The woman came into view again and turned around,  raising her eyebrow.

“Of course, We were married 25 years ago, don't tell me you forgot about us?”

“Not even slightly”, he muttered as his hands found a way around her waist. The woman smirked,  then raised herself on her toes and kissed him on the lips. The kiss lingered for a moment,before ending once again and they broke apart.

“There was rain on the marriage day, do you remember Shell ?”  he continued.

She smiled,  “I remember everything about our wedding, why? what made you run into old things?”

His smile faded and he began to speak, looking into the distance.

“My Father used to say rain is like love; when you hear it you think about someone, you hope, pray that it doesn't get too bad so you can go outside and feel how the earth smells, how the cold  wind caresses your skin, how the drops fall from above sends a chilling sensation through your body, how beautiful the world looks and how it makes you want to dance”

 he finished. A tear slid down his cheek as he took a photo from the table beside the sofa.

It was him and his wife 25 years ago,  They were holding hands, standing near a small garden, flowers covered the ground. 

He turned to look at the woman standing next to him. Her smile widened even more as the tears fell from his eyes.  She reached a hand towards his face wiping them away before pulling him in for another kiss.

"Why does that make you sad?"  she asked softly once they broke apart again.

“Because you are dead” he replied,his voice breaking.

A small gasp escaped his lips as the words echoed through the moody afternoon. A lone tear slipped from his eyes as he stared out the window.

The rain was still pouring as if there was a   million eyes up in the clouds, shedding tears  silently for him and the woman he lost.


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