My Way

I lived a life that was full

I walked my path, I ran my race

I saw it through without exemption

I planned each charted course

Each careful step along the way

And more, much more

I watched each sunrise, from the start

All the world’s different shades that has brought me through this journey,

Though there are many roads I know

This one, the last of mine,

I believe is where I part ways.

The end i knew in my mind,

Forgive me for leaving you all behind

To walk on your path alone

To find your way with me

Because this path is my way

And though I will be there waiting

I can never take up where you left

So now in my silence

 I ask

Who am I? 

What makes a man? 

A man who walks his road

Is someone who knows he can choose what to do?

I desire the freedom of choice;

I wish to choose what to do

But sometimes choices are hard to see

Sometimes choices are hard to understand

And even harder when they have nothing to say

There’s something special about choosing

There’ then the after effects ;

A feeling of guilt, of regret

Or the possibility of pain and loss

But most importantly there’s something

That binds you to this world.

Love, Love is our life.

I chose it, and I took hold

Of it and I held it tight

Because I didn’t care who knew;

Even if the people I loved thought I was mad

It doesn’t matter now because they’re not here

So let’s just leave love to the wind

Let it blow away until i am under the soil,

The earth, the dirt and the stones

Where I belong in the end

Forgiveness, forgiveness, forgive me

My heart never surrendered 

Nor my spirit, nor mind

I danced, infront of a large audience 

On stage for thousands of eyes,

I felt alive

The lights shone bright across my dark skin

And I felt proud but also free

I made an announcement

I told them that they could follow their dreams

Now, my story is at the end

No one will ever hear it

No one will come to see it

No one will know, no one will know

The words came as easily as breathing

And my heart sang, I sang and I laughed my way.


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