Creation itself is a curious and beautiful process. It's not something that can be described in any scientific sense; instead it simply is and nothing more. So is Mankind’s ability to create something that is visualised  in their mind as a concept or image. 
The only beings to have an inherent tendency to do things from their consciousness  are humans themselves. They don't believe in impossibilities as their minds hold knowledge, thoughts, beliefs, feelings and desires which can come to fruition . In the simplest terms they want, or think of something, they imagine it into being and create the thing in its true form. 
The first step to creating such objects  involves understanding what one needs to accomplish; a process of imagination and deduction, which will take time, energy and dedication.
Not only physical objects take the category but also  things that can be said and  defined as abstract concepts, such as ‘strategies’ and 'laws'. 

It is impossible to understand what a human feels and does without knowing what he thinks, what he dreams and what makes his innermost being feel happy or sad. It can vary with each individual, depending on the situation. 
So,the human thought process begins with a mental picture of what they are trying to create. The creation of a thing can be different for everyone, The infamous dutch painter Vincent van Gogh created Starry Nights painting after getting Inspired by the sky view from his window at the Saint-Paul-de-Mausole asylum in Saint-Rémy, in southern France. Of all the people who have lived in that place at that time  has seen the same sky, but he saw the sky, assigned an emotional language to the sky, the stars, the atmosphere, the landscape around and many other things. 

The cognitive activity and mental process of visualising a new thing takes only a matter of seconds, and the visual concept has to evolve through time until the creation is finally complete. I am always fantasised by the imagination capabilities  of humans to see a certain vision and then visualize it to become something tangible.  

I have seen humans in their peak potential as artists, sculptors, musicians, photographers, writers, scientists, poets, architects, mathematicians,  inventors, physicists, astronomers and many other things. They were self aware about reality, and very conscious of the universe around them. They were able to achieve a higher level of consciousness and imagination than almost anyone else. 
I have met with humans whose minds worked on so many levels at once, some with so much complexity, others with so little;  but I was impressed by how they were able to communicate with each other, their emotions, feelings, perceptions and views towards the world and themselves.

 Humans can go from simple and ordinary to something wonderful within the blink of an eye if they really set their minds on it.
To sum it up: humans' mind works on such a large scale, and is capable of so much complexity. They create so many things, that are beyond  comprehension, while simultaneously being able to think of things that make perfect sense.

 Humans are able to express their emotions in their creations as well as their thoughts, ideas and ideals in their works.
They are able to use metaphors that reflect those thoughts and emotions, and their own minds can work as a translator to understand  those emotions. 
Humans are creators in the highest of senses, but they aren't perfect. They create things of beauty and joy, but they also create things of pain and suffering. 
Sometimes they're better off without them, as they may end up destroying or altering their creations. 
I have also seen humans who are at the peak of their lives acheiving their greatest successes and stil live with an illusion that some unknown entity or ‘god’ has helped him, when in reality everything was accomplished through hard work and effort and the creation was a result of the imagination and the power granted from their brain cells.


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