Dissecting the Mirror Image: Chapter 1

 The ways of mankind are complex and wondrous. The only way to understand them is  through study, observation and deduction. Through the years of close observation and learning with mankind lead me into new and different ways of thought and action. 

The observations , studies, and theories that I've had in my life have led me into many paths and avenues of exploration, as well as into the most interesting places and humans. 

It's hard to explain what has led me on this path, or what I've learned from it,  but there were times when I felt like it was all a part of something greater than myself...I think you could say that the universe itself was guiding me towards some purpose that would be meaningful. That being said, what started as a mere curiosity, turned into more and more as it was shown that this was not merely an act of random chance and happenstance, but rather meant for me. 

As I got older, so did my belief that there was something higher or deeper within the workings of reality.  For me, there was no such thing as “the” force, no such thing as “God” or “Godlike entity”, simply a “whole lot of nothingness”. In fact, the only concept I ever believed in was “time”, but as time passed I realized that it was more than just “an event”, more than just “the moment we  exist”. It was ‘the process, the reason, and how everything leads us down this path of existence’. There seemed no limit to this, but I still keep my mind open to possibilities  that are yet to come for every aspect of my life, which is changing, and I am growing older and wiser as I continue to live.

Mankind lives with their own stories that is written by others,  that may be passed down orally or through books, movies, radio, music...in short, humanity’s own stories are moulded by minds which doesn't want to let go of the past. It wants to hold onto old memories that seem to bring back feelings and  emotions  long forgotten, so they can be felt alive once again. This in turn, causes human beings to  become  selfish and overprotective of things or people they hold dear because they fear that the people whom they love will one day abandon or forget about them. If these people were left alone, even with a small chance of losing them, they would end up living in perpetual darkness, feeling empty and cold, never knowing who they really are. They would feel empty, sad and powerless, unable to find happiness. They would spend their lives wandering aimlessly around trying to feel happy again, hoping that maybe it might help them somehow, until it inevitably failed to do anything but worsen their condition.

Strange Right!

My primary analysis  of humanity was based upon this understanding of how humanity feels  inside their minds...they often seek validation from those closest to them, whether physical or emotional. Sometimes it's a simple gesture, but at other times, it's almost always a request of some kind.  Some humans ask for money when they are in trouble, others simply want someone to listen when they have nothing to talk about. Some ask for help to get out of trouble. However, most humans tend to ask for love. The primary analysis itself have created a plethora of  theories regarding why human emotions play such prominent roles in human affairs like:











Human beings are curious  and creative creatures. They love to read and learn about anything new, whether it is fiction, real life stories or philosophical discussions...which brings us to our next point:

 Humans love to create. 

(To be continued..)


  1. When I usually read something my mind wanders elsewhere but this peice made me wonder!


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