The Lair

The beast looked at the remaining  two, then turned to the one who was left. The other man stood his ground but he knew what was about to come and there was little he could do. “No, don’t!”

And as if it were nothing more than a breeze the creature struck the man, knocking him back. Then came a loud growl that shook the earth.

The monster let out another roar, causing all those present to cover their ears. ‘What did they ever do to deserve this fate?’ They thought as tears ran down their face.

 They watched helplessly as the beast began dragging the injured man away. It stopped at the edge of the clearing, turning back towards them, and they felt themselves begin to shake with fear as its eyes locked onto them.

Death was coming for these men soon. There wasn’t anything they could do to stop it.

They didn't even notice when a shadow fell over them. Their breathing raw as an icy claw covered their eyes. 

Then the world went black..


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