Concrete Jungle

Millions walk past this chaos infected place with minds full of hope and happiness. They embrace every day with a smile on their face, runs the smile show all day in those small cabinets and walk home in the brightest streets like everything is perfect. 
Is their life perfect? Who knows?
Will they every break free from this smile simulation?
Lots of questions unanswered and never to be asked because here everyone lives past their cubicle life with work, smoke and liquor. What a pathetic life? Aye?
The fireflies that fills up the country fields are a myth to these simulation patients because they have only seen the things that the corporate monkeys wanted them to see. Concrete jungle with name tags all over their necks like lab rats. The lab rats never have seen the world just the walls. They dwell in small holes in this concrete jungle and this jungle is owned by lizards with red eyes that rents their holes to rats for a share of their life. Life is never kind to people, but it is for the ones who fell in love with life. No chains are around their naked feet still they are not free. They are all bound to this endless sarcastic concrete jungle.


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