"Desire disease"

Have you ever been able to quiet your mind?
If yes, you are not an ordinary human. It seems the normal way how things work on this planet is if we want something and we are capable of getting it, then we proceed to go out and get it. We chase, we struggle, we fight and when we get what our mind desires, it makes us suffer so much.

The desires are just an offspring of your negative subconsciousness.

You want something because the thing or person will help you feel better about yourself, then there’s bad news for you. You are inviting pain into your life.

When we use the material world as a means to fill all your inside voids, we are bound to live an empty life.

“Desire is the root of all pain”

No, I don’t completely accept the statement. Desire is the root of our pain only if we attach ourselves to our desires when the time comes to let it go. 

All you have to understand is life unfolds in the present, but so often we let the present slip away, allowing time to rush past unobserved and unseized, and squandering the precious seconds of our lives, as we worry about the future and ruminate about what’s past. All we keep on doing is dwell on intrusive memories of past or fret about what may or may not happen in the future.

Just live the moment. Realize that you are not your thoughts, you are just being with your thoughts, neither grasping them nor pushing them away. Instead, let your life go without living in it. Do whatever you want, without harming anyone or anything. Talk, smile, drive, take care of your health, go long rides with your friends, what’s stopping you?

Once you stop all those dwell or fret ideas from your mind you can live in the moment. 

Life happens only once.


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