Depression”  Yeah you have heard about it. Things happened because of it, and some will be walking through the narrow bridge over the troubled waters of depression. Many people know the word depression but don’t understand what’s depression. You take so many photos of yourself, how many photos will you post on Instagram? Depression is like the photos which you don’t want to show in your Instagram. All you want is to show how happy and dazzling your life is. 

Everyone goes through phases that may be minor or major variants of depression. Some will come out like Jim Carrey or Eminem. Some will feed themselves to their inner demons and Some will share their rooms with the demons and coexist. 

Depression is an Illness not some sort of emotion

Yeah, it is an illness like Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder. The cure depends on the intensity of your depression and also on your mental health. Depression can be caused by a lot of ways ranging from childhood traumas to medical conditions. According to studies about 21% of people who are under substance usage experience depression in their lifetime.

The factors that trigger depression may include low self-esteem, mental illness, medications and stressful events, such as loss of a loved one, Economic problems etc. 

Every person has gone through the worst phases of life, it’s like walking through a tunnel hoping to see light. Thing is you can find the light if you keep on walking through that tunnel facing and slaying your demons. I have heard things like depression can be cured easily if you can share your problems and worries to people. Yeah, maybe it’s correct, but who is willing to hear all your misery. No one is interested. Everyone is busy with their life solving their own problems. 

You can get out of this like a pro if you believe in yourself. All you need is divert your thoughts and make yourself busy. Like the saying “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop” If you are sitting idle and thinking about something that makes you sad your life is never going to be better. This is the time to find who you are? Just think what made you happy when you were alone, what are your hidden skills? Find it and sharpen your skills. Then you will never be having any free time to think of bad incidents. Most of the famous artists, poets and songwriters were depressed. They transformed that energy into wonders. If you have seen the dark side of your life then what is there to lose. This is not a curse but a gift. Channel this energy into something creative and at last, you will find out what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.


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